Trinity School for Children
About Trinity
Board of Directors

The purpose of the Board of Directors of the Tampa School Development Corporation, d.b.a. Trinity School for Children,boardofdir is to provide for the education of children from Infant/Toddler age through Middle and Upper schools in accordance with the educational philosophy of the Bank Street College of Education, New York as is written in our charter with the State of Florida.

Mission Statement

We are committed to facilitate and support the highest quality of education through strategic planning, communication and accountability. By modeling the school's values, we shall foster a dynamic, nurturing, and safe environment for lifelong learning for our Trinity School for Children family.

The Tampa School Development Corporation, sponsoring non-profit corporation of Trinity School for Children, was founded and incorporated in January 1999. The corporation board consisted of a group of parents, educators and community business professionals, who with a deep concern for the effective educational opportunities in the greater Tampa Bay area, demanded an alternative to traditional education for all children and their families. The board's belief in the Bank Street philosophy of education, which concentrates on developing the "whole child intellectually, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially"¬ù, was rooted in a conviction so strong that they conquered insurmountable odds to open Trinity School for Children on August 12, 1999.

The board's goal was met by opening a school with quality administration, faculty, and curriculum driven by the sole purpose of educating in an understanding, developmentally appropriate learning environment. Trinity School for Children offers children creative, challenging, enlightening academics, and faculty that creates a school experience for each child emphasizing his/her learning style, talents and family culture. We place an emphasis on child development and individual learning styles. Centered on a social studies core curriculum, the children were to learn how their academics affect their relationship with the world around them. By an emphasis on mutual respect, self expression, creative and inquisitive thinking, the students at Trinity School for Children proved that children naturally love to learn. They proved that school is an extension of their personal development. An open-enrollment charter school, Trinity School for Children was made available to all children in the greater Tampa Bay area.

boardofdir2The Tampa School Development Corporation operates under the Sunshine Law Standards as they apply to charter schools and public entities.

The Board of Directors under the leadership of the President and with the support of the CEO/Principal maintains the integrity of the Bank Street College of Education philosophy and the values of the Trinity School for Children, while ensuring integrity, efficiency, and accountability.

The Board and CEO/Principal are supported in meeting their accountability through full utilization of the corporate planning process. The planning process enables the board to develop, implement, and review an integrated strategy used in identifying, developing, and allocating resources considered necessary to meet the needs of our charter, staff and students.

The Board of Directors consists of 13 individuals, of which 12 are selected by the Board of Directors and one member of the Parent Partners' Association (PPA) who represents their interests as a voting member. The Board of Directors are not compensated for their time and service in conducting the affairs of the Board and therefore may not be a paid employee of the school.

The Board of Directors designates the work of the Corporation to committees as necessary. The President of the Board ofboardofdir3 Directors appoints the chairs of the committees. There are four standing committees:
Nominating Committee which selects Directors and Officers to be nominated and voted upon at the Annual Meeting;
Financial Committee that along with the Treasurer of the corporation, the School's Accountant, and the Administrative Finance Committee oversees the budget and facilitates the audit of the books of the corporation;
Development Committee who spearheads future building and major fundraising for the corporation;
Disciplinary Committee that handle disciplinary procedure for all families violating Trinity Policy and Procedure and forward all serious matters directly to the board.


School Board Members- download PDF

School Board Meeting Calendar- download PDF

School Board Meeting Minutes- download PDF